Published papers
- (with Y.Nishimori, Matsuyo Tomisaki and Kaneharu Tsuchida) On a convergence of positive continuous additive functionals in terms of the smooth measures,
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, (accepted)
- (with Takumu Ooi) Variational inequalities and Dynkin games for Markov processes associated with semi-Dirichlet forms,
Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 68 (2024), 781-799, DOI: 10.1215/00192082-11670783
- (jointly with Masayoshi Takeda) Criticality of Schrödinger forms and recurrence of Dirichlet forms,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,
376 (2023), 4145-4171, DOI:
- Dirichlet Forms and Related Topics,
In Honor of Masatoshi Fukushimafs Beiju, IWDFRT 2022, Osaka, Japan, August 22 -- 26,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (PROMS, volume 394)
(Editors: Zhen-Qing Chen, Masayoshi Takeda and Toshihiro Uemura), 570 pp, Springer, 2022
- (with Matsuyo Tomisaki) Homogenization of symmetric Dirichlet forms,
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 74 (2022), 247-283, DOI: 10.2969/jmsj/85268526
- (with Haruna Okamura) On symmetric stable-type processes with degenerate/singular Lévy densities,
Journal of Theoretical Probability, 34 (2021), 809-826, DOI: 10.1007/s10959-020-00990-6
- (with Li Liping and Jiangang Ying) Weak convergence of regular Dirichlet subspaces,
Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 54 (2017), 435-455
- (with Yoichi Oshima) On the Conservativeness of Some Markov Processes,
Potential Analysis, 46 (2017), 609-645,
DOI: 10.1007/s11118-016-9596-4
- (with K. Suzuki) On instability of global path properties of symmetric Dirichlet forms
under Mosco convergence, Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 53 (2016), 567-590
- (with H. Okura) On the recurrence of symmetric jump processes,
Forum Mathematicum, 27 (2015), 3269-3300
DOI: 10.1515/forum-2013-0190
- Festschrift Masatoshi Fukushima, in Honor of
Masatoshi Fukushima's Sanju,
-Interdisciplinary Mathemarical Sciences vol. 17 -
(Editors: Zhen-Qing Chen, Niels Jacob, Masayoshi Takeda and Toshihiro Uemura), 620pp, World Scientific, 2015
- On dual generators for non-local semi-Dirichlet forms,
Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 34 (2014), 199-214
- On multidimensional diffusion processes with jumps,
Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 51 (2014), 969-992
- (with Y. Shiozawa) Explosion of Jump-Type Symmetric Dirichlet Forms
on $R^d$, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 27 (2014), 404-432,
DOI 10.1007/s10959-012-0424-5
- (with J. Masamune and J. Wang) On the conservativeness and
the recurrence of symmetric jump-diffusions,
Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol. 263 (2012), 3984-4008,
- (with M. Fukushima) Jump-type Hunt processes generated by lower
bounded semi-Dirichlet forms, The Annals of Probability, Vol. 40 (2012), 858-889
DOI: 10.1214/10-AOP633
- (with René L. Schilling) On the structure of the domain of a symmetric jump type Dirichlet form,
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto Univ.,
48 No.1 (2012), pp. 1-20
- (with J. Masamune) $L^p$-Liouville property for nonlocal operators,
Mathematische Nachrichten, 284 No. 17-18, (2011), 2249-2267
web page
- (with J. Masamune) Conservation property of symmetric jump processes,
Annales de lfInstitut Henri Poincare'- Probabilites et Statistiques,
47 (2011), 650-662
- (with R.F. Bass and T. Kumagai) Convergence of symmetric Markov chains
on Z^d, Probab. Theory and Related Fields, 148 (2010), 107-140
- (with Y. Shiozawa) Stability of Feller property for non-local
operators by bounded perturbations, Glasnik Matematicki,
45 (2010), 155-172
- On exit time from balls of jump-type symmetric Markov processes,
Acta Math. Sinica, English Series, 26 (2010), 185-192
web page
- A remark on non-local operators with variable order,
Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 46 (2009), pp.503-514
web page
- (with René L. Schilling) On the Feller property of
Dirichlet forms generated by pseudo differential operators,
Tohoku Mathematical Journal, 59 (2007), pp 401 - 422
- On an extension of jump-type symmetric Dirichlet forms,
Electronic Communications in Probability, 12
(2007), pp 57-65,
web page
- (with Y. Isozaki) A family of symmetric stable-like processes and
their global properties, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 24 (2004), pp.145-164
- On symmetric stable-like processes: some path properties and
generators, Journal of Theoretical Probability,
17 (2004), 541-555.
- (with M. Takeda) Subcriticality and Gaugeability for
Symmetric $\alpha$-Stable Processes, Forum Mathematicum,
16 (2004), 505-517.
- (with M. Fukushima) On spectral synthesis for contractive
$p$-norms and Besov spaces, Potential Analysis, 20
(2004) 195-206
- (with M. Fukushima) Capacitary bounds of measures and
ultracontractivity of time changed processes, Journal de
Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 82 (2003), 553-572
- (with M. Fukushima) On Sobolev and capacitary inequalities
for contractive Besov spaces over $d$-sets, Potential Analysis,
18 (2003), 59-77
- On some path properties of symmetric stable-like processes for one
dimension, Potential Analysis, 16 (2002), 79-91
- (with K. Kuwae) Weak convergence of symmetric diffusion
processes, Probability Theory and Related Fields, 109
(1997), 159-182
- (with K. Kuwae) Weak convergence of symmetric diffusion
processes II, in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
- Proc. 7th Japan-Russia Symp., Tokyo, 1995, editors:
S. Watanabe, M. Fukushima, Y. V. Prohorov and A. N. Shiryaev, 1996,
- On weak convergence of diffusion processes generated by energy
forms, Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 32 (1995), 861-869
- A law of large numbers for random sets, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 59 (1993), 181-188
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